Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is Phelps no longer God?

If you haven't read the news recently, Michael Phelps was pictured in haling some sort of smoke out a long glass most that smoke is a drug, and that glass object is a bong...what that drug is remains the question but you can only guess what it was.

So Phelps was an icon to everybody. He won eight Olympic gold medals, has plenty of sponsorships and is loved by almost everybody until that picture was released. Now Kelloggs dropped him as a sponsor and Subway took his picture off of their website and is suing to get their money back.

Seriously, with everything else going on in the world or more specifically in the United States why should this be a big deal? Bank CEO's spending TARP funds for planes and vacations, Maddoff investors lose millions and Phelps smoking pot is making the front page of major newspapers.

Phelps is only human and I feel what he does on his time off is his own business. It could be worse, he could be like Barry Bonds, A-Rod and countless other professional sports players taking steroids or horse tranquilizers. I'm glad Phelps was smoking. The life he leads is not only stressful but you're always in the spotlight. The decision he made wasn't the brightest decision, but the person taking the picture should be the one getting crap from the papers.

I don't think Phelps is the type of person to just go to a random party at a college just to make an appearance and get some tail. Someone of his stature wouldn't allow that. One of his associates at that party violated the the trust. Trust is hard to obtain and Trust from Phelps is a sacred item to get.

Back off Phelps.

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